Background: Augmentation of tuberous breasts classified as grade 3 is a challenge to surgeons. The authors describe their technique for correcting grade 3 tuberous breasts with a book-shaped opening of the breast, insertion of an anatomic prosthesis, and fat grafting.
Methods: The authors' technique for correcting grade 3 tuberous breasts consists of reducing the areolar diameter and performing a book-shaped opening of the breast, applying a modified version of Puckett's technique. The modification consists of opening each breast, remodeling the glandular flap on each side to make them symmetric, inserting the same size subglandular anatomic prosthesis, and covering the prosthesis with the glandular flaps held in place by transcutaneous fixation stitches. After 6 months, fat grafting of the remaining constricting ring and the cleavage is performed.
Results: The study enrolled 28 patients with asymmetric bilateral tuberous breasts ages 18 to 39 years. At 12 months, using a questionnaire to rate their results, 68% of the patients were "very satisfied," 25% were "satisfied," and 7% were "not satisfied." The medical team's ratings at 12 months were "excellent" for 82% of the cases and "good" for 18% of the cases.
Conclusion: For patients with grade 3 tuberous breasts, the authors perform aesthetic breast enlargement by reducing the size of the areola, making a book-shaped opening in the breast, and carrying out fat grafting to correct the cleavage and the remaining constricting ring. The patients and the medical team both expressed high levels of satisfaction with the results.