The stability of a formulated heparin was examined during its sterilization by autoclaving. A new method to follow loss in heparin binding to the serine protease inhibitor, antithrombin III, and the serine protease, thrombin, was developed using a surface plasmon resonance competitive binding assay. This loss in binding affinity correlated well with loss in antifactor IIa (thrombin) activity as well as antifactor Xa activity as measured using conventional amidolytic assays. Autoclaving also resulted in a modest breakdown of the heparin backbone as confirmed by a slight reduction in number-averaged and weight-averaged molecular weight and an increase in polydispersity. Although no clear changes were observed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, disaccharide composition analysis using high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry suggested that loss of selected sulfo groups had taken place. It is this sulfo group loss that probably accounts for a decrease in the binding of autoclaved heparin to antithrombin III and thrombin as well as the observed decrease in its amidolytic activity.
Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.