A national audit focused on laparoscopic appendectomy was promoted by the Italian Association of Hospital Surgeons (ACOI). Four-hundred and sixty surgical practices received an e-mail questionnaire. Data concerning epidemiology, timetable, surgeon's age, selection of patients, laparotomic conversion, behaviour in the case of a normal appendix, and technical aspects were investigated. The response rate was 51.7%. The median number of appendectomies performed is 50-100 each year in a surgery ward. Laparoscopic operations are very common (93%), but mostly performed in less than 50% of the observed cases. There is no significant difference between the number of operations during the day vs. at night, and they are performed by a limited (<30%) group of surgeons, equally composed of physicians aged above and below 40. The majority of surgeons adopt an "all comers" policy regarding laparoscopic appendectomy, including selected older patients (>70 years old). There are no standard indications for conversion, while the behaviour in the presence of a normal appendix is generally removal. Even if laparoscopic appendectomy is not yet considered a gold standard, it is widely diffused in Italy, and the audit's data show different behaviours between subgroups.