Aim: To evaluate the morphology of the root canal in its apical third and the capacity of the Thermafil System to reproduce the entire morphology of the cleaned and shaped root canal.
Materials and methods: Thirty-two roots of periodontally compromised teeth were prepared using the ProTaper System to an apical size 30 and filled with the Thermafil obturation technique and sealer. The roots were surgically amputated and prepared for metallographic evaluation by incremental reductions of 0.5 mm each, starting with the apical foramen. Photomicrographs of each section were taken at a magnification of 500x and 100x. The images were analyzed and processed. The position of the apical foramen with respect to the anatomical apex was identified and marked. Additional morphological details as lateral canals and recesses were also recorded. The cross-sectioned area of the canal and gutta-percha, the total perimeter, the shaped perimeter and the filled perimeter were recorded for each sample and the results were expressed as percentages. Multiple images of successive sections were used to create a 3D reconstruction of the apical anatomy of the tooth. The ANOVA test was performed to assess mean differences between evaluations of perimeters/areas at different levels.
Results: The anatomical apical foramen was found at the tip of the root in 50% of the evaluated samples. In the remaining samples, the foramen was located between 0.5 and 2.5 mm from the centre of the apex. Lateral canals, which opened in accessory foramens, were recorded in 25% of the evaluated samples. Statistical significant differences (p<0.05) were found between different levels of preparation and obturation.
Conclusions: The complex morphology of the apical third of the root canal is satisfactory microstructurally replicated by the Thermafil System. Moreover, polarized light microscopy and the 3D reconstruction offered a discriminative vision of morphological details as lateral canals, recesses, the gutta-percha and debris.