Introduction: the omphalocèle is an evolution of the extra embryonic coulombs between the 32th and the 72th days of the pregnancy. The treatment depends on his volume. In Mali; few works were published on the omphalocèle and its treatment.
Materials and method: we brought together 111 cases of omphalocèles during 8 years of study with the aim of determining the epidemiological factors and describing the clinical and therapeutic aspects.
Results: 49 patients on 111 were of the male and aged between 4,2 days with weight between 2500 - 3500 g. The diameter of the r snare was superior to 8 cms in 29(26,13%) cases and has benefited a conservative treatment according to Grobb. 13 patients had a rupture of the membrane. The liver has been found in 29 time (26,13%) in the sac and 35 case and associated malformation. 20 cases of death have been observed. Antenatal ultrasound found exomphalos in 9 cases. Any mother had a story of teratogenic medications and 67 mothers were multipared.
Conclusion: Omphaloceles are multidiscipli-nary surgical emergencies. Antenatal echogra-phy is useful for the antenatal diagnosis.