Fabrication of Pt/Ru nanoparticle pair arrays with controlled separation and their electrocatalytic properties

ACS Nano. 2011 Apr 26;5(4):2547-58. doi: 10.1021/nn1021692. Epub 2011 Mar 31.


Aiming at the investigation of spillover and transport effects in electrocatalytic reactions on bimetallic catalyst electrodes, we have prepared novel, nanostructured electrodes consisting of arrays of homogeneously distributed pairs of Pt and Ru nanodisks of uniform size and with controlled separation on planar glassy carbon substrates. The nanodisk arrays (disk diameter ≈ 60 nm) were fabricated by hole-mask colloidal lithography; the separation between pairs of Pt and Ru disks was varied from -25 nm (overlapping) via +25 nm to +50 nm. Morphology and (surface) composition of the Pt/Ru nanodisk arrays were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, the electrochemical/electrocatalytic properties were explored by cyclic voltammetry, CO(ad) monolayer oxidation ("CO(ad) stripping"), and potentiodynamic hydrogen oxidation. Detailed analysis of the CO(ad) oxidation peaks revealed that on all bimetallic pairs these cannot be reproduced by superposition of the peaks obtained on electrodes with Pt/Pt or Ru/Ru pairs, pointing to effective Pt-Ru interactions even between rather distant pairs (50 nm). Possible reasons for this observation and its relevance for the understanding of previous reports of highly active catalysts with separate Pt and Ru nanoparticles are discussed. The results clearly demonstrate that this preparation method is perfectly suited for fabrication of planar model electrodes with well-defined arrays of bimetallic nanodisk pairs, which opens up new possibilities for model studies of electrochemical/electrocatalytic reactions.