Memory impairment is a common consequence of neurological injury or disease, causing significant disability in everyday life, and is therefore a critical target for rehabilitation intervention. Here we report a review of the available evidence on the efficacy of restitution-oriented therapies and compensatory approaches for memory rehabilitation. A total of 110 studies was systematically classified and analyzed in order to generate evidence-based clinical recommendations for treatment providers. Different key aspects, such as types of brain damage, treatments characteristics and outcome measurements guided the evaluation of the literature as to appraise the potential interaction between patients characteristics, interventions and outcomes. The general conclusion is that memory re-training programs and compensatory approaches are probably effective in ameliorating memory disorders in patients with focal brain lesions, with some evidences of changes in memory functioning extending beyond the trained skills. Externally directed assistive devices and specific learning strategies are effective (with a level D and B of evidence, respectively) in retaining information relevant for daily needs also in patients with degenerative diseases. Some methodological concerns, such as the heterogeneity of subjects, interventions and outcomes studied, may limit the generalization of the present recommendations.