Unveiling residual molecular binding in triply charged hydrogen bromide

Phys Rev Lett. 2011 Mar 11;106(10):103002. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.106.103002. Epub 2011 Mar 11.


We present an experimental and theoretical study of triply charged hydrogen bromide ions formed by photoionization of the inner 3d shell of Br. The experimental results, obtained by detecting the 3d photoelectron in coincidence with the two subsequent Auger electrons, are analyzed using calculated potential energy curves of HBr3+. The competition between the short-range chemical binding potential and the Coulomb repulsion in the dissociative process is shown. Two different mechanisms are observed for double Auger decay: one, a direct process with simultaneous ejection of two Auger electrons to final HBr3+ ionic states and the other, a cascade process involving double Auger decay characterized by the autoionization of Br*+ ion subsequent to the HBr2+ fragmentation.