Objectives: Were to determine the frequency, to describe the clinical and therapeutic aspects digestive stoma.
Material and methods: It was about six months an exploratory study from January 1st to June 30th, 2008 in the department of surgery general of the CHU Gabriel Touré. Were included in this study all the patients carrying a enter stoma or a colostomy, old of more than 15 ans. The digestive dents, the other types of stoma and the patients old of less than 15 years, were excluded. The results were analyzed by the software Epi information version 6.4 Fr, the tests of Khi 2 and Student with a threshold of significance for P < 0.05.
Results: We college 32 patients are 7.4% of all digestive surgical operations, 13.3% of the abdominal urgencies; composed of 26 men (81.25%) and 6 women (18.75%). The sex ratio at summer of 4.3. The average age was 44, 8 years with a standard deviation 8, 13 and the extremes varying between 16-80 years. Twenty and one (65.6%) sick were operated in urgency. We carried out 29 cases (90.6%) of final stoma, 3 cas (9.4%) side, 21 cas (65.6%) of colostomy, 9 cas (28.1%) of ileostomies. They were temporary in 25 cas (78.1%) and final 7 cas (21.9%). The volvulus of the sigmoid colonist with necroses 10 cas (31.3%), the peritonitis by typhus perforation ilea 9 cas (28.1%), occlusions on tumor of the left colonist 8 cas (25%), the traumatic perforations ileales 2 cas (6.3%), the digestive dents post appendicectomies 2 cas (6.3%) and the congenital megacolon 1 cas (3%) was the indications of the stoma. the operational continuations were simple in 21 cas (65.6%). The principal found complications were: coetaneous irritation 7 cas (21.8%), the prolapsed stomiale 4 cas (12.5%), the suppuration peristomial 3 cas (9.4%), the releasing of Stoma 3 cas (9.4%), the retraction of the stoma 3 cas (9.4%),the psychological disorders 3 cases (9.4%), the hemorrhage 2 cas (6.3), necroses peristomial 2 cas (3.1%), septic shock 2 cas (6.3%), and 1 cas (3.1%) of evisceration, obstruction of the bowels, shock hypovolemic. The intermediate duration of hospitalization was of 37,5 jours with a standard deviation = 13.58 and extremes varying between 02-73 days. Death rate was of 9.4%.
Conclusion: The assumption of responsibility of the stomies is difficult in the absence of stomatherapeutes, and of the high cost of the parenteral nutrition in our context .