Postembryonic segmentation (anamorphosis) is widespread among arthropods, but only partially known as for its developmental mechanics and control. Studies on developmental genetics of segmentation in anamorphic arthropods are mostly limited to the germ band stage, during early phases of embryonic development. This work presents the first data on the postembryonic expression of a segmentation gene in a myriapod. Using real-time PCR, we analyzed engrailed expression patterns during the anamorphic stages of the centipede Lithobius peregrinus. A variation pattern in en RNA level during anamorphosis suggests that gene expression is precisely modulated during this period of development and that engrailed is mainly expressed in the posterior part of the body, in the newly differentiating segments of each stage. As anamorphosis is possibly the primitive segmentation mode in arthropods, the postembryonic en expression pattern documented here provides evidence for a conservation of en role in ontogeny, across the embryonic/postembryonic boundary, as well as in phylogeny, across the same boundary, but in the opposite direction, from primitive postembryonic expression to the more derived expression in clades with exclusively embryonic segmentation.