Intrafusal muscle fibres from bull-frog semitendinosus, iliofibularis and sartorius muscles were classified into three types using the histochemical, immunofluorescent and morphological characteristics, with reference to the extrafusal muscle fibres, which were classified into five types in accordance with Rowlerson & Spurway (1988). Immunofluorescent reactions with antibodies against slow or fast myosins obtained from anterior or posterior latissimus dorsi muscles (ALD or PLD), respectively, of chicken were used as the primary criterion. Histochemical profiles of muscle fibres were classified into nine types of myosin ATPase activity as the secondary criterion. Anti-PLD intrafusal fibres (polar zone) with ATPase profiles of moderate to high acid and alkaline stabilities correspond to large nuclear bag fibres in the classification of Diwan & Ito (1989), whereas anti-ALD fibres (polar zone) with alkaline-labile ATPase profiles correspond to medium nuclear bag fibres. On the basis of diameter, anti-PLD fibres (polar zone) with ATPase profiles of moderate to low acid stability and moderate to high alkaline stability seem to correspond to two types of small nuclear chain fibre. Variations between muscles, between intra- and extrafusal fibres and also between zones along intrafusal fibres are discussed.