Using a recently cloned rat ovary 3 beta-HSD cDNA and antibodies raised against purified human placental 3 beta-HSD, we have studied the effects of treatment with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and hyperprolactinemia achieved by pituitary implants, alone or in combination, on the expression and activity of ovarian 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/delta 5-delta 4 isomerase (3 beta-HSD) in intact adult rats. 32P- and 35S-labeled cDNA probes were used to evaluate the effects of treatments on 3 beta-HSD mRNA levels by dot blot and in situ hybridization, respectively, while enzymatic activity was measured by the conversion of [14C]dehydroepiandrosterone into [14C]androstenedione. The present data show that hCG exerts a marked trophic effect on rat corpora lutea with an increase in total ovarian 3 beta-HSD mRNA levels, 3 beta-HSD protein content as well as enzymatic activity, resulting in an increase in serum progesterone levels. Prolactin-secreting pituitary implants alone, on the other hand, while exerting small effects on 3 beta-HSD expression and activity, led to a marked potentiation of the stimulatory effect of hCG on all parameters. The present data show that hCG and PRL act synergistically to stimulate ovarian progesterone secretion via an increase in 3 beta-HSD mRNA levels, protein content and enzymatic activity.