We describe a brief staff training program to improve the delivery of tobacco cessation services to patients with head and neck cancers. This study utilized a quasi-experimental design to compare the delivery of smoking cessation components and outcomes among patients exposed to either usual care (UC) or an enhanced cessation (EC) program implemented following a 1-h staff education program. Of the 179 subjects enrolled, 112 were recontacted by phone 1 month after their clinic visit. More patients in EC compared to UC reported that they were asked about their smoking status (94.2% vs. 76.6%, p = 0.01), advised to quit (92.3% vs. 72.3%, p = 0.01), prescribed cessation medications (30.8% vs. 3.3%, p < 0.001), and received a support call (53.8% vs. 11.7%, p < 0.001) at the 1-month follow-up. Quit attempts and quit rates between groups were similar. The EC intervention improved the delivery of cessation services in a busy clinical setting, but this failed to increase cessation rates after 1 month.