CA 125 is the most sensitive and the most used marker in the management of ovarian cancer at various stages of the disease. CA 125 is used at the time of diagnosis of the disease, to evaluate the possibility of complete resection during surgery, to estimate sensibility for adjuvant or neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and for diagnosis of recurrences. CA 125 has a diagnostic and therapeutic value and could be of help during therapeutic evaluation. CA 125 has been the topic of many studies for optimizing the management of epithelial ovarian cancers. Mandatory before any ovarian surgery, serum CA 125 levels is a help for the determination of the appropriate surgery. It appears to be a help in choosing therapeutic strategy, to predict optimal surgery and also global and progression-free survival. Low preoperative rates, half-life and fast normalization of CA 125 during the adjuvant chemotherapy are correlated with an optimal surgery and a better global and progression-free survival. The normal range of CA 125 is a strong predictive factor for disease recurrence even if its role in survival has not yet been determined. The dosage of CA 125 and its dynamic interpretation is an indispensable approach to the diagnosis, therapeutics and follow-up of ovarian cancer. Simple serum CA 125 concentration is a very important prognostic and predictive factor for a personalized care.
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