Aims and background: In patients with recurrent prostate cancer, discriminating local or systemic recurrence is critical to decide second-line treatment. We investigated the capability of stereotactic body radiotherapy to treat limited nodal recurrences, detected using choline PET scan.
Methods and study design: Seventy-one patients with biochemical failure were studied after prostate cancer treatment: prostatectomy (28), radiotherapy (15) or both (28). Following computed tomography and choline PET imaging, stereotactic body radiotherapy was delivered on pathological lymphatic areas by 6 MV Linac, using dynamic micromultileaf collimation and intensity-modulated arc therapy optimization. Sixty days post-treatment, choline PET/CT imaging was carried out.
Results: Median follow-up was 29 months (range, 14.4-48). Choline PET detected recurrences in 39 of 71 patients. Median PSA velocity was 0.40 ng/ml/year in PET-negative patients and 2.88 ng/ml/year in PET-positive subjects (P < 0.05). Twenty-five patients with limited nodal recurrences, out of the 71 submitted to choline PET, received eradicative radiotherapy. Persistent regression was recorded in 13; early spread to bone was found in 2 cases; lymph node recurrences in 8, all in sites outside the irradiated areas; 2 patients were lost to follow-up. At the 3-year follow-up, overall survival, disease-free survival and local control rates were 92%, 17% and 90%, respectively. In patients with a complete regression, PSA fell from 5.65 to 1.40 ng/ml (median). PSA nadir value (median 1.06 ng/ml) was maintained for 5.6 months (median).
Conclusions: Stereotactic body radiotherapy was effective in disease eradication of limited nodal recurrences from prostate cancer, saving patients from, or at least postponing, systemic treatments.