There is heterogeneity in the way cyanobacteria respond to P starvation and subsequently how they adapt to environments with low or fluctuating P concentrations. In this study, we have fused the promoterless lux operon luxCDABE to the promoter regions of Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 phoA genes putatively encoding alkaline phosphatases, phoA (all2843) and phoA-like (alr5291) and to the promoter region of one operon putatively encoding a high affinity phosphate transporter pst1 (all4575-4572). The self-bioluminescent strains constructed in this way, Anabaena AP (phoA promoter), Anabaena AP-L (phoA-like promoter), and Anabaena PST (pst1 promoter) have been used to study the expression of these genes in response to P starvation and P re-feeding with inorganic and organic phosphate sources. Our data showed that the pst1 promoter was activated at much higher level than the phoA-like promoter following P starvation; however, we did not observe activation of the phoA promoter. The P re-feeding experiments revealed that both strains, Anabaena (A.) PST and A. AP-L could be used as novel bioreporters of P availability in environmental samples. Both strains were used to estimate bioavailable P in environmental samples (fresh- and wastewaters) with a wide range of soluble P concentrations. The results indicated that most of the P in the water samples was in chemical forms available to the cyanobacterium; however there were some differences in the estimates given by both strains as A. PST appeared to be more adequate for the samples with the lowest P load while A. AP-L gave similar or even higher values of P concentrations than those chemically measured in samples with higher P load.