Introduction: A balanced transfusion of red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma and platelets are recommended for massively bleeding trauma patients. Fibrinogen concentrates could potentially lessen or replace the need for fresh frozen plasma and/or platelet transfusions.
Objective: To provide a review of the literature covering the application of fibrinogen concentrates in trauma care.
Methods: PubMed and Cochrane database search, 'fibrinogen' and ('concentrate' or 'trauma'), not 'congenital', 10 years.
Results: Only four papers were identified. None were randomized controlled trials. The main conclusion of these papers was that administration of fibrinogen sometimes together with prothrombin complex concentrate might improve haemostasis in trauma patients resuscitated with synthetic colloids.
Conclusion: Evidence for the use of fibrinogen concentrate to trauma patients with massive bleeding is lacking. Well-designed prospective, randomized, double-blinded studies evaluating the effect of fibrinogen concentrate, as the only intervention, are urgently needed.
© 2011 The Author(s). Vox Sanguinis © 2011 International Society of Blood Transfusion.