A computed tomographic study of schizophrenia

Indian J Psychiatry. 1997 Apr;39(2):115-21.


Fifty schizophrenic patients fulfilling DSM-III-R criteria, and group matched normal healthy controls were selected for the study The case and control groups have been compared in terms of VBR, WSF and WTF. In the study schizophrenics have been divided into positive, negative and mixed subgroups on basis of SAPS and SANS, and these subgroups are compared with each other for VBR, WSF & WTF. Tomographic abnormalities were noted in schizophrenics, particularly with negative and mixed subtypes, when compared to controls.

Keywords: SANS; SAPS; Schizophrenia; positive and negative subtypes; ventricle brain ratio (VBR); width of sylvian fissure (WSF); width of third ventricle (WTF).