Further progress in the field of heterogeneous catalysis depends on our knowledge of the nature and behavior of surface sites on solid catalysts and of the mechanisms of chemical reactions catalyzed by these materials. In the past decades, solid-state NMR spectroscopy has been developed to an important tool for routine characterization of solid catalysts. The present work gives a review on experimental approaches and applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy for investigating Brønsted and Lewis sites on solid acids. Studies focusing on the generation of surface sites via post-synthesis modification routes of microporous and mesoporous materials support the development of new and the improvement of existing catalyst systems. High-temperature and flow techniques of in situ solid-state NMR spectroscopy allow a deeper insight into the mechanisms of heterogeneously catalyzed reactions and open the way for studying the activity of acidic surface sites. They help to clarify the activation of reactants on Brønsted and Lewis acid sites and improve our understanding of mechanisms affecting the selectivity of acid-catalyzed reactions.
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