Objective: In this study we investigated the functional restoration of nonsense mutations in the SCN5A gene.
Methods: The readthrough-enhancing reagents were introduced to HEK293 cells to suppress one nonsense mutation W822X in the SCN5A gene. Patch-clamp was used to record the whole-cell current and dynamics. Western blot and immunofluorescence staining were used to certify the expression and the location of the sodium channel.
Results: In transfected HEK293 cells, the nonsense mutation in SCN5A inhibited the expression level of full-length protein, and the sodium currents from the mutant channels were less than 3% of the wild-type level. Readthrough enhancement by decreasing translation termination efficiency with a siRNA targeting eukaryotic release factor eRF3a (a GTPase that binds eRF1), the sodium current from the mutant cDNAs was restored to as much as 30% of the wild-type. After the treatment by the readthrough-enhancing reagents, the channels from cDNA carrying W822X remained the features of wild-type phenotype, and Western blot and immunochemical staining also showed the expression of full-length channel proteins.
Conclusion: Readthrough-enhancing reagents could effectively suppress nonsense mutations in SCN5A and partially restore the function of sodium channel and the expression of full-length channels.