Objective: To report a case of early opacification and spontaneous in vivo clearing of a silicone intraocular lens (IOL).
Methods: A 79-year-old women underwent uncomplicated cataract extraction and subsequent implantation of a +21.5 D AMO Z9002 (Abbott Medical Optics, Santa Ana, CA) silicone lens.
Results: On postoperative day 1, the patient presented with a translucent, milky white appearing, diffuse IOL opacification. On postoperative day 8, the IOL periphery had cleared, but a full thickness haze persisted in the central portion of the optic. By postoperative day 14, the IOL had cleared. To date, the lens has remained clear.
Conclusion: One possible mechanism might be exposure to industrial chemicals; however, the manufacturer reports no other similar lens opacities from this manufacturing batch of IOLs. We recommend that surgeons who implant or have implanted an AMO Z9002 silicone IOL and observe similar findings follow the patient closely for resolution of the haze.