Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) are worldwide present in the environment and the general population. Animal studies have shown developmental toxicity of these compounds. To investigate the PFCs exposure of neonates from mother during gestation and lactation, we analyzed twelve PFCs in matched maternal serum, cord serum and breast milk samples collected from 50 pairs of women and their newborns between June and July 2009 in Jinhu, China. Eight PFCs were detected in serum samples, and five of them were also detectable in breast milk. A significant intercorrelation between PFCs concentrations in matched maternal serum, cord serum and breast milk was observed (p<0.01, r=0.435-0.911). The median partition ratio was from 0.39:1 (PFDA) to 1.74:1 (PFTrDA) for seven PFCs through the placenta, and was from 0.02:1 (PFOS) to 0.09:1 (PFOA) for five PFCs through the lactation. A high transport efficiency of PFOA both through placental barrier and lactation was observed. The postnatal exposure of PFCs through lactation was higher compared to prenatal exposure, especially for PFOA.
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