Human studies using Abs to two different, nonoverlapping epitopes of IL-13 suggested that epitope specificity can have a clinically significant impact on clearance of IL-13. We propose that Ab modulation of IL-13 interaction with IL-13Rα2 underlies this effect. Two Abs were administered to healthy subjects and mild asthmatics in separate dose-ranging studies and allergen-challenge studies. IMA-638 allows IL-13 interaction with IL-13Rα1 or IL-13Rα2 but blocks recruitment of IL-4Rα to the IL-13/IL-13Rα1 complex, whereas IMA-026 competes with IL-13 interaction with IL-13Rα1 and IL-13Rα2. We found ∼10-fold higher circulating titer of captured IL-13 in subjects treated with IMA-026 compared with those administered IMA-638. To understand how this difference could be related to epitope, we asked whether either Ab affects IL-13 internalization through cell surface IL-13Rα2. Humans inducibly express cell surface IL-13Rα2 but lack the soluble form that regulates IL-13 responses in mice. Cells with high IL-13Rα2 expression rapidly and efficiently depleted extracellular IL-13, and this activity persisted in the presence of IMA-638 but not IMA-026. The potency and efficiency of this clearance pathway suggest that cell surface IL-13Rα2 acts as a scavenger for IL-13. These findings could have important implications for the design and characterization of IL-13 antagonists.