MHC class I loci of the Bar-Headed goose (Anser indicus)

Genet Mol Biol. 2010 Jul;33(3):573-7. doi: 10.1590/S1415-47572010000300031. Epub 2010 Sep 1.


MHC class I proteins mediate functions in anti-pathogen defense. MHC diversity has already been investigated by many studies in model avian species, but here we chose the bar-headed goose, a worldwide migrant bird, as a non-model avian species. Sequences from exons encoding the peptide-binding region (PBR) of MHC class I molecules were isolated from liver genomic DNA, to investigate variation in these genes. These are the first MHC class I partial sequences of the bar-headed goose to be reported. A preliminary analysis suggests the presence of at least four MHC class I genes, which share great similarity with those of the goose and duck. A phylogenetic analysis of bar-headed goose, goose and duck MHC class I sequences using the NJ method supports the idea that they all cluster within the anseriforms clade.

Keywords: Anser indicus; MHC I; phylogenetic analysis; polymorphism.