In nature, adult parasitoids feed to obtain and use nutrients for supplementing and/or replenishing some of their existing array of nutrient reserves. When adults feed on host or non-host food, they can enhance fitness, typically by increasing egg production or longevity. In the present study, ovigeny index (OI) and impact of female fitness, as well as physiological state on the reproductive strategies, were investigated in the synovigenic parasitoid, Diglyphus isaea, fed on host food (2-3rd instars of Liriomyza sativae larvae), non-host foods (10% honey solution) and starved (distilled water, control). The results showed that D. isaea was a strongly synovigenic parasitoid, of which OI value was 0.002. Both types of food enhanced the fecundity and prolonged the longevity of the females. D. isaea females fed on non-host food showed higher levels of gut sugar, body sugar and glycogen than those fed on host food, but the levels of lipid were higher in the host-fed females. D. isaea females seemed to show lipogenesis, with low rates of lipid catabolism sufficient to satisfy the requirement of egg maturation. Females might absorb lipids directly from the haemolymph of paralyzed hosts.
Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.