After studying the effects of almitrine, a new kind of ATPase/ATP synthase inhibitor, on two kinds of isolated mammalian mitochondrion, we have observed that: (1) Almitrine inhibits oligomycin-sensitive ATPase; it decreases the ATP/O value of oxidative phosphorylations without any change in the magnitude of delta mu H+. (2) Almitrine increases the mechanistic H+/ATP stoichiometry of ATPase as shown by measuring either (i) the extent of potassium acetate and of potassium phosphate accumulation sustained by ATP utilisation, or (ii) the electrical charge/ATP (K+/ATP) ratio at steady-state of ATPase activity. (3) Rat liver mitochondria are at least 10-times more sensitive to almitrine than beef heart mitochondria. (4) The change in H+/ATP stoichiometry induced by almitrine depends on the magnitude of the flux through ATPase. The inhibitory effect of almitrine on ATPase/ATP synthase complex, as a consequence of such an H+/ATP stoichiometry change, is discussed.