Foreign body retrieval surgery sometimes does not need excision and reconstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid unnecessarily large incisions is now feasible for such retrieval surgery. We report herein a case of a patient who underwent retrieval surgery with a single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) to minimize surgical incision. Our case concerns a 72-year-old female with a 3 cm length needle incidentally discovered as a peritoneal foreign body without any apparent symptoms. Retrieval was performed safely with SILS port inserted through a 2.5 cm transverse incision below the umbilicus. Two flexible forceps introduced through the SILS port offer easy operation for retrieving foreign bodies even if dissection or other surgical maneuvers are required. Our technique of abdominal foreign body retrieval with the SILS port is a useful clinical application of minimally invasive surgery for such cases.