B-1 F cells, one of the sublines established from mouse Leydig cell tumor, have been found to be maintained as an estrogen-responsive cell line under the serum-free culture conditions. Reported results that retinoids have action mechanisms similar to those of estrogen prompted us to examine the effect of retinoids on the proliferation of B-1 F cells. Stimulation of B-1 F cell growth by retinoic acid in a dose-dependent manner was observed, whereas retinoic acid did not promote but inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7 cells (estrogen- and retinoic acid receptor-positive human breast cancer cells). To elucidate the mechanism of retinoic acid-dependent cell growth, simultaneous treatment with retinoic acid and estradiol was carried out. The result did not show the additive effect on B-1 F cell growth. Hydroxytamoxifen, a potent antiestrogen, inhibited not only estradiol-dependent but also retinoic acid-dependent cell growth. However, retinoic acid failed to be associated with estrogen receptor, suggesting that retinoic acid induced enhancement of B-1 cell growth through its interaction with retinoic acid receptor. Northern blot analyses of polyadenylated RNA with complementary DNA probes for human retinoic acid receptor alpha, beta, and gamma revealed the presence of transcripts encoded by retinoic acid receptor alpha gene in B-1 F cells. These results would suggest that enhancement of the B-1 F cell growth is mediated through interaction of retinoic acid with retinoic acid receptor alpha. This stimulatory activity is inhibited by estrogen receptor complexed with hydroxytamoxifen.