Objective: To determine if Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for suicide attempts.
Methods: Data were drawn from the National Comorbidity Replication Survey (NCS-R), a nationally representative sample of adults (N=8098).
Results: Of the 365 adults with current ADHD, 16% attempted suicide. After controlling for the presence of comorbid disorders, logistic regression analyses revealed that the ADHD was not a not a strong predictor of suicide attempts; having one or more comorbid disorders was associated with fourfold to twelvefold elevated risk.
Limitations: The small sample size of respondents with ADHD who attempted suicide significantly reduced the probability of determining which specific comorbid disorders were correlated with parasuicide.
Conclusions: Early treatment of ADHD and comorbidity may reduce the risk of suicide attempts and improve its prognosis.
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