In this review we have summarized the work of ourselves and others on ionic and hormonal regulation of synthesis of the sodium pump. No one central theme emerges from this summary. Rather, it appears that abundance can be regulated pre-translationally or posttranslationally. As reviewed recently, regulation of the expression of the beta glycoprotein subunit, which has no described enzymatic function, can regulate holoenzyme expression. In the kidney this is exemplified in our studies in LLC-PK1 cells and proximal tubule cells where pre-translational regulation of beta expression is key to increasing holoenzyme abundance, and also exemplified in the hypothyroid renal cortex where regulation of beta protein abundance post-translationally appears to impact the abundance of enzymatically active NaK-ATPase. Future studies in the field of ionic regulation of NaK-ATPase must be directed at elucidating the signals that mediate the response, and at how these signals alter the NaK-ATPase biosynthetic pathway from expression of alpha and beta genes, through to turnover of the mature NaK-ATPase heterodimer.