A fundamental challenge for organisms is how to focus on perceptual information relevant to current goals while remaining able to respond to goal-irrelevant stimuli that signal potential threat. Here, we studied how visual threat signals influence the effects of goal-directed spatial attention on the retinotopic distribution of processing resources in early visual cortex. We used a combined blocked and event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging paradigm with target displays comprising diagonal pairs of intact and scrambled faces presented simultaneously in the four visual field quadrants. Faces were male or female and had fearful or neutral emotional expressions. Participants attended covertly to a pair of two diagonally opposite stimuli and performed a gender-discrimination task on the attended intact face. In contrast to the fusiform face area, where attention and fearful emotional expression had additive effects, neural responses to attended and unattended fearful faces were indistinguishable in early retinotopic visual areas: When attended, fearful face expression did not further enhance responses, whereas when unattended, fearful expression increased responses to the level of attended face stimuli. Remarkably, the presence of fearful stimuli augmented the enhancing effect of attention on retinotopic responses to neutral faces in remote visual field locations. We conclude that this redistribution of neural activity in retinotopic visual cortex may serve the purpose of allocating processing resources to task-irrelevant threat-signaling stimuli while at the same time increasing resources for task-relevant stimuli as required for the maintenance of goal-directed behavior.
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