In October 2009, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) convened a conference held in Boston, Massachusetts, to outline critical issues in emergency care quality and efficiency and to develop a series of research agendas and projects aimed at addressing important questions about how to improve acute, episodic care. The aim of the conference was to describe how hospital-based emergency department (ED) systems could provide solutions for broader delivery problems in the U.S. health care system. The conference featured keynote speakers Drs. Carolyn Clancy (Director, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) and Elliott Fisher (Director, Center for Health Policy Research at Dartmouth Medical School). Panels focused on: 1) systems and workflow redesign to improve health care and 2) improving coordination of care for high-cost patients. Additional sessions were conducted to develop five research agendas on the following topics: 1) health information technology; 2) demand for acute care services; 3) frequent, high-cost users of emergency care; 4) critical pathways for post-emergency care diagnosis and treatment; and 5) end-of-life and palliative care in the ED.
© 2011 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.