The mechanisms that regulate keratinocyte migration and proliferation in wound healing remain largely unraveled, notably regarding possible involvements of microRNAs (miRNAs). Here we disclose up-regulation of miR-483-3p in 2 distinct models of wound healing: scratch-injured cultures of human keratinocytes and wounded skin in mice. miR-483-3p accumulation peaks at the final stage of the wound closure process, consistent with a role in the arrest of "healing" progression. Using an in vitro wound-healing model, videomicroscopy, and 5-bromo-2'-uridine incorporation, we observed that overexpression of miR-483-3p inhibits keratinocyte migration and proliferation, whereas delivery of anti-miR-483-3p oligonucleotides sustains keratinocyte proliferation beyond the closure of the wound, compared with irrelevant anti-miR treatment. Expression profiling of keratinocytes transfected with miR-483-3p identified 39 transcripts that were both predicted targets of miR-483-3p and down-regulated after miR-483-3p overexpression. Luciferase reporter assays, Western blot analyses, and silencing by specific siRNAs finally established that kinase MK2, cell proliferation marker MKI67, and transcription factor YAP1 are direct targets of miR-483-3p that control keratinocyte proliferation. miR-483-3p-mediated down-regulation of MK2, MKI67, and YAP1 thus represents a novel mechanism controlling keratinocyte growth arrest at the final steps of reepithelialization.