By flow cytometry, cellular DNA-RNA content was analyzed with Acridine Orange staining for primary tumor and the metastatic foci in 12 cases of primary lung carcinoma. Five (42%) of the primary and metastatic foci showed heterogeneous cellular DNA content, with high cellular DNA content of metastatic foci in all cases. Cellular RNA content was significantly higher in metastatic foci than in primary foci, indicating possible higher proliferative activity of the former foci. Three different metastatic foci in one patient showed essentially the same cellular DNA content. From the above it is evident that primary and metastatic foci of lung carcinoma show considerable heterogeneity not only in cellular DNA content but RNA content as well, thus indicating proliferative activity of the metastatic focus. It is consequently advisable to use a combination of various supplementary medications differing in cytocidal effect. Cases with higher cellular DNA content may likely have higher metastatic potential.