Objective: This article will review the performance and limitations of cross-sectional imaging methods to detect and display critical features of Crohn disease (CD)-related bowel damage, including stenosis and penetrating complications (i.e., fistula, abscess). International efforts to incorporate cross-sectional imaging findings along with endoscopic and surgical findings to create a global bowel damage score over the length of the gastrointestinal tract are summarized along with the rationale for these efforts.
Conclusion: The first digestive damage score, the Lémann score, will incorporate surgical history, endoscopic findings, and imaging findings of stenosis and penetrating complications to provide a global assessment of CD-related destruction of the gastrointestinal tract. It is anticipated that the score will permit better understanding of the impact of modern therapeutics on the natural history of CD. Because CT is a technique that involves ionizing radiation and accuracy of ultrasound is highly related to CD location, MRI is proposed as first choice for nonemergent follow-up of CD patients.