Wilms tumour (WT) is a paediatric kidney tumour, composed of blastemal, epithelial and stromal cells, with a relapse rate of approximately 15%. Long-term survival for patients with relapse remains approximately 50%. Current clinical and molecular research is directed towards identifying prognostic factors to define the minimal and intensive therapy for successful treatment of children with low and high risk of relapse, respectively. Blastemal component presents a high level of aggressiveness and responsiveness to chemotherapy. To identify molecular prognostic markers that are predictive of chemotherapy sensitivity in tumour relapse, blastemal-enriched samples from stage III and IV WT, from patients with relapse or without relapse, were analysed for 4608 human genes immobilised on a customised cDNA platform. These analyses revealed 69 differentially expressed genes, and the top nine genes were further evaluated by qRT-PCR in the initial WT samples. TSPAN3, NCOA6, CDO1, MPP2 and MCM2 were confirmed to be down-regulated in relapse WT, and TSPAN3 and NCOA6 were also validated in an independent sample group. Protein expression of MCM2 and NCOA6 were observed in 38% (13 out of 34) and 28% (9 out of 32), respectively, of independent stage III and IV WT blastema samples, without association with relapse. However, a significant association between MCM2 positive staining and chemotherapy as first treatment suggests the involvement of MCM2 with drug metabolism in WT blastemal cells.
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