The purpose of this study was to investigate whether 6-min walk test (6MWT) would improve the forearm skin blood flow (FSBF) response to acetylcholine (ACh), an endothelium-dependent vasodilator, in Tunisian women over a wide range of BMI. The FSBF was measured noninvasively using a laser Doppler flowmeter in response to local infusion of a cumulative dose of ACh, before and after the 6MWT for 102 healthy women; the results were expressed as percentage of baseline. The 6MWT was monitored and recorded. The mean response of FSBF to ACh was significantly greater before as well as after the 6MWT in lean (1,235 ± 123% vs. 1,644 ± 140%) than in overweight (630 ± 62% vs. 1,080 ± 66%) and obese subjects (402 ± 38% vs. 795 ± 40%) (P < 0.0001). Our regression analysis also revealed that the maximal FSBF response to ACh (i.e., its efficacy) was inversely correlated with BMI both before as well as after the 6MWT (r = -0.828, P < 0.0001; r = -0.859, P < 0.0001, respectively), and the efficacies of ACh in the three groups were all significantly elevated following the 6MWT (P < 0.0001). As indicated by ANOVA test, the 6MWT improved the FSBF responses of the lean, overweight, and obese subjects, by 33, 71, and 98%, respectively. We confirm that obesity induced a reduction of skin vasodilatory reserve and altered both endothelial-dependent relaxation and wall compliance. However, our new data clearly demonstrated that the 6MWT not only improved significantly the FSBF responses in the three groups of women, but the obese patients appeared to benefit more from the 6MWT than the overweight and the lean subjects.