Background: Laser resurfacing procedures are continuing to grow in popularity as patients select less invasive procedures for rejuvenation of photo-damaged and aging skin. However, although physicians have begun exploring options to aid in postlaser healing, currently available treatments have little clinical evidence to support their use for wounded skin.
Methods: When grown under conditions of very low oxygen and suspension, a simulation of the embryonic environment, neonatal cells have been found to produce proteins and growth factors in types and quantities similar to those of fetal cells. The human cell-conditioned media (hCCM) produced by the cells was extracted and formulated into a gel to evaluate its efficacy in the healing of postlaser wounds.
Results: A split-face clinical evaluation of the material was performed, with 42 subjects undergoing combination ablative and nonablative laser procedures. Three concentrations of the hCCM were tested (× 0.1, × 1.0, × 10.0), and a dose-response trend was seen in the blinded physician evaluation, particularly in the assessment of crusting. In addition, transepidermal water loss readings showed a significant difference (p ≤ 0.05), indicating a more rapid return to normal skin barrier function with the active treatment. Histopathologic evaluation of subject biopsies showed reduced inflammation and a more normal epidermal appearance in the active treatment sites.
Conclusions: The results of this clinical evaluation support the use of the soluble hCCM produced under embryonic-like conditions to accelerate wound healing after laser resurfacing procedures. The utility of the × 10 concentration appears to promote more rapid, scarless wound healing after resurfacing procedures and more normal skin recovery.