The objective of this study was the correlation of Doc-1- and S100A7-gene expression in common oral lesions with their cancerous-transformation risk. Biopsies (n = 15 each) of healthy gingiva, irritation fibromas, leukoplakias and Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCCs) were obtained, and after RNA-extraction, transcripts of Doc-1 and S100A7 were quantified by RT-PCR. In comparison with the healthy gingiva, the expression of Doc-1 was decreased, whereas the expression of S100A7 was upregulated in all lesions. As the extent of Doc-1-inactivation and S100A7-overexpression is correlated with their biological behavior, the combined investigation of both genes could be a promising marker in intraoral lesions to estimate the risk for their malignant transformation.