Ultrafast dynamics of exciton fission in polycrystalline pentacene

J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Aug 10;133(31):11830-3. doi: 10.1021/ja201688h. Epub 2011 Jul 14.


We use ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy with sub-20 fs time resolution and broad spectral coverage to directly probe the process of exciton fission in polycrystalline thin films of pentacene. We observe that the overwhelming majority of initially photogenerated singlet excitons evolve into triplet excitons on an ∼80 fs time scale independent of the excitation wavelength. This implies that exciton fission occurs at a rate comparable to phonon-mediated exciton localization processes and may proceed directly from the initial, delocalized, state. The singlet population is identified due to the brief presence of stimulated emission, which is emitted at wavelengths which vary with the photon energy of the excitation pulse, a violation of Kasha's Rule that confirms that the lowest-lying singlet state is extremely short-lived. This direct demonstration that triplet generation is both rapid and efficient establishes multiple exciton generation by exciton fission as an attractive route to increased efficiency in organic solar cells.