Sequestering Rac with PKA confers cAMP control of cytoskeletal remodeling

Small GTPases. 2011 May;2(3):173-176. doi: 10.4161/sgtp.2.3.16487.


Rac GTPases promote formation of membrane ruffles, yet how key effectors of this small GTPase operate in response to intracellular signals is not well established. In our recent report, "Anchored PKA recruitment of active Rac," we identify a cortical actin cytoskeletal signaling complex containing an A-Kinase Anchoring Protein (AKAP) and the IQGAP2 isoform. We show that dynamic assembly of this complex requires the combined action of calcium and cAMP signals. Furthermore, phosphorylation of IQGAP2 by the AKAP220-anchored PKA enhances Rac binding and membrane ruffling. We also discuss our recent findings and provide additional evidence that phosphorylation of IQGAP2 brings IQGAP2 to membrane ruffles.