Background: Donor-specific antibodies (DSA) are associated with acute kidney graft rejection, but their role in small bowel/multivisceral allograft remains unclear. We carried out a prospective study to understand the impact of DSA in the setting of intestinal allograft rejection.
Methods: Thirteen patients (15 grafts) were serially evaluated for DSA levels pre- and posttransplant. DSA was determined by Luminex and the results were interpreted as fluorescence intensity (FI), with FI more than 3000 considered positive.
Results: The clinical rejection episodes in allografts were significantly associated with the presence of DSA (P=0.041).We obtained 291 biopsy samples from graft ileum and date-matched DSA assay reports. Sixty-three (21.65%) of the biopsies showed acute rejection. The appearance of DSA were preformed (n=5, anti-human leukocyte antigen class II=3, anti-class I and II=2), de novo (n=4, 15.25±4.72 days after transplantation, anti-class II=1, and anti-class I and II=3) and never (n=6). Among the 63 biopsies, 30(47.6%) had significant correlations with positive DSA (kappa=0.30, P<0.001) and manifested severe rejection grade (P=0.009).
Conclusions: In this cohort of small bowel/multivisceral transplantation patients, there was a high incidence of DSA. The presence of DSA should alert the clinical team of a higher risk of rejection, and reduction of the FI is clinically associated with resolution. Serial endoscopy guided biopsies combined with simultaneous DSA measurement in postintestinal transplantation follow-up is an effective means of screening for cellular and humoral-based forms of acute rejection.