Influence of crystallization state and microstructure on the chemical durability of cerium-neodymium mixed oxides

Inorg Chem. 2011 Sep 19;50(18):9059-72. doi: 10.1021/ic201269c. Epub 2011 Aug 2.


To underline the potential links between the crystallization state and the microstructure of powdered cerium-neodymium oxides and their chemical durability, several Ce(IV)(1-x)Nd(III)(x)O(2-x/2) mixed dioxides were prepared in various operating conditions from oxalate precursors and then leached. The powdered samples were first examined through several physicochemical properties (crystallization state and associated crystallite size, reactive surface area, porosity...). The dependence of the normalized dissolution rates on various parameters (including temperature, nitric acid concentration, crystallization state) was examined for pure CeO(2) and Ce(1-x)Nd(x)O(2-x/2) solid solutions (with x = 0.09 and 0.16). For CeO(2), either the partial order related to the proton activity (n = 0.63) or the activation energy (E(A) = 37 kJ·mol(-1)) suggested that the dissolution was mainly driven by surface reactions occurring at the solid-liquid interface. The chemical durability of the cerium-neodymium oxides was also strongly affected by chemical composition. The initial normalized dissolution rates were also found to slightly depend on the crystallization state of the powders, suggesting the role played by the crystal defects in the dissolution mechanisms. On the contrary, the crystallite size had no important effect on the chemical durability. Finally, the normalized dissolution rates measured near the establishment of saturation conditions were less affected, which may be due to the formation of a gelatinous protective layer at the solid/liquid interface.