A calibrated method of force sensing is demonstrated in which the buckled shape of a long flexible metallic nanowire, referred to as a 'nanoneedle', is interpreted to determine the applied force. An individual needle of 157 nm diameter by 15.6 µm length is grown on an atomic force microscope (AFM) cantilever with a desired orientation (by the method of Yazdanpanah et al 2005 J. Appl. Phys. 98 073510). Using a nanomanipulator the needle is buckled in the chamber of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and the buckled shapes are recorded in SEM images. Force is determined as a function of deflection for an assumed elastic modulus by fitting the shapes using the generalized elastica model (De Bona and Zelenika 1997 Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. C 211 509-17). In this calibration the elastic modulus (68.3 GPa) was determined using an auxiliary AFM measurement, with the needle in the same orientation as in the SEM. Following this calibration the needle was used as a sensor in a different orientation than the AFM coordinates to deflect a suspended PLLA polymer fiber from which the elastic modulus (2.96 GPa) was determined. The practical value of the sensing method does depend on the reliability and ruggedness of the needle. In this study the same needle remained rigidly secured to the AFM cantilever throughout the entire SEM/AFM calibration procedure and the characterization of the nanofiber.