AA amyloid patients who experience disease progression and develop renal failure have not received sufficient benefit from agents that treat inflammation or infection. We have begun to explore the potential application of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to specifically suppress SAA production and thereby reduce amyloid deposition. Proof-of-concept experiments conducted in mice initially examined ASO ability to reduce serum levels of SAA during an acute inflammatory response. Peak SAA levels in ASO-treated mice were reduced as much as 65% relative to levels in saline-treated mice. The extent of suppression was dose-dependent and influenced by the time interval between ASO administration and inflammatory stimulation. Subsequent experiments tested whether ASO suppression of SAA was sufficient to mitigate amyloid deposition. Amyloidosis was induced by amyloid-enhancing factor and silver nitrate injection; ASO treatment was initiated 1 week later and continued 1× or 3× per week; inflammation was re-triggered by subsequent injection(s) of silver nitrate; mice were sacrificed after 4-5 weeks. Examination of tissues by Congo red staining and SAA/AA immunohistochemistry revealed consistently less amyloid in the organs of ASO-treated mice compared to saline-treated counterparts. These findings provide rationale for further investigation of SAA-specific ASOs as a potential therapy for AA amyloidosis.