Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measures of bone mineral density (BMD) in children fail to account for growth because bone depth is unmeasured. While multiple adjustment methods have been proposed using body or bone size, the effect of vertebral shape is relatively unknown. Our study aimed to determine gender differences in vertebral shape and their impact on areal BMD (aBMD). We recruited 189 children, including 107 boys, aged 4-17 years, who attended the emergency department due to trauma. None had fractured. Height, weight, Tanner stage, and DXA measurements of the lumbar spine (LS) and total body were obtained. Cylindrical models were used to predict relationships between vertebral width (VW) and areal density for a given vertebral area assuming uniform volumetric density. The actual relationships between VW, bone area, and aBMD for the LS in the children were then determined. The theoretical models predicted a positive relationship between width and areal density for a constant vertebral area. Actual vertebral measurements demonstrated that boys had greater VW for a given vertebral area but lower aBMD for a given VW than girls at any age. The most likely explanation for the apparent paradox was that vertebral cortical thickness relative to width was greater in girls. This difference remained after adjusting for lean mass, suggesting that bone's response to mechanical stimulation may vary between the sexes during growth with consequent evolutionary advantage for girls approaching reproductive age.
Copyright © 2011 The International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.