The short version of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18) is an easily applicable, reliable and valid self-report measure in wide international use. It assesses the syndroms of somatisation, depression and anxiety by means of 6 items each. For the psychometric evaluation of the German translation, undergraduate students, non-clinical subjects and psychosomatic outpatients were administered the BSI-18. Across these populations, all scales showed satisfactory to good internal consistencies (Cronbachs alpha ranged between 0.63 and 0.93). The item-total correlation as item discrimination index was sufficiently high, patricularly in the patient sample (rit ≥ 0.40). The correlations of the BSI-18 with measures of similar dimensions were moderate to high indicating a good convergent validity. Criterion-related validity was established in so far that patients scored significantly higher in all BSI-18 scales than did the non-clinical samples. With some exceptions, the German translation of the BSI-18 has similarly good psychometric qualities as the American original.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.