Certain psychiatric diseases have biological pathomechanisms, and as a result they are accompanied by various neurological symptoms. Neurological examination is a simple method to assess these symptoms. Neurological signs come in two varieties; they are either of the hard or the soft type. Hard symptoms appear primarily in organic psychiatric disorders or as side effects of psychiatric therapy. They can also be encountered during neurological diseases of psychiatric patients. Their use in diagnostics and therapy is widely accepted. In contrast, soft neurological symptoms often stay unnoticed, even though they may contain important pieces of information. For this reason they will form the focus of our discussion. Soft neurological symptoms have been studied in different psychiatric disorder-groups. Up to now most attention has been devoted to schizophrenia. The study suggests that the soft symptoms are trait markers of schizophrenia. Furthermore they also signal disease activity and predict the outcome of the disease. Neurological symptoms are also important pointers for psychiatry. However, more systematic studies may increase the theoretical and practical implications of soft symptoms.