Aim: To investigate the effect of ciglitazone on CD36 expression and cholesterol influx in THP-1 macrophage.
Methods: After exposure of the cultured THP-1 macrophage to ciglitazone for 24 h, [(3)H] labeled Cholesterol influx was determined by FJ-2107P typed liquid scintillator. CD36 mRNA and protein level were determined by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blotting respectively.
Results: PPARγ agonist, ciglitazone, elevated CD36 in both protein and mRNA levels, and increased cholesterol influx in THP-1 macrophage. The levels of cholesterol influx were 20. 3%, 28. 6%, 37. 2%, 44. 3%, 48. 7% respectively.
Conclusion: Our results indicated that ciglitazone may play an important role in cholesterol influx and modulating CD36 expression in THP-1 macrophage.