Despite the generally excellent results achieved with fluconazole 150 mg weekly in recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis (RVVC), some patients with a long history of disease do not achieve complete resolution of symptoms following antimycotic treatment. It is thought that use of tight synthetic fabric underwear could be a significant factor in causing recurrence. We decided to compare underwear made of Dermasilk®, a pure fibroin fabric impregnated with a permanent antimicrobial protection, with a cotton placebo to see whether it could be a useful adjunctive tool in the management of RVVC. We recruited 96 women who had a long-term history of RVVC and had not responded to oral antimycotics with complete satisfaction. The patients were randomly divided into two groups and instructed to use either white cotton placebo briefs or Dermasilk® briefs. Both groups were treated with fluconazole 150 mg once weekly for 6 months. After 6 months, the Dermasilk group showed a statistically significant greater decrease of itching, burning, erythema and a smaller number of recurrences than the cotton group. Our work suggests that Dermasilk® briefs could be a useful adjunctive tool in addition to antimycotic treatment to help relieve the discomfort of recurrent vulvovaginitis.
© 2011 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.